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Environment Classes

These classes providing various global services to your application such as event handling, access to system settings, internationalization, etc.

TQClipboardAccess to the window system clipboard
TQDesktopWidgetAccess to screen information on multi-head systems
TQEventThe base class of all event classes. Event objects contain event parameters
TQFontDatabaseInformation about the fonts available in the underlying window system
TQMimeSourceFactoryExtensible provider of mime-typed data
TQMutexAccess serialization between threads
TQMutexLockerSimplifies locking and unlocking TQMutexes
TQPixmapCacheApplication-global cache for pixmaps
TQSemaphoreRobust integer semaphore
TQSessionManagerAccess to the session manager
TQThreadPlatform-independent threads
TQThreadStoragePer-thread data storage
TQTranslatorInternationalization support for text output
TQTranslatorMessageTranslator message and its properties
TQWaitConditionAllows waiting/waking for conditions between threads

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TQt 3.3.8