
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CAddressEditDialogDialog for editing address details
 CAddressEditWidgetEditor widget for addresses
 CAddresseeUtilThis class provides some utility methods for transposing an addressee to different types (ie: clipboard)
 CAddressTypeDialogDialog for selecting an address type
 CAddViewDialogModal dialog used for adding a new view
 CCardViewThe CardView is a method of displaying data in cards
 CCardViewItemRepresents a single card (item) in the card view
 CCardViewLookNFeelPageCard View Advanced LookNFeel settings widget: this is a tabbed widget with 3 tabs: Fonts text font header font
 CDateParserThis class parses the date out of a given string with the help of a pattern
 CDistributionListViewHelper class
 CDynamicTipThe whole tooltip design needs a lot of work
 CEmailEditWidgetThis widget displays a list box of the email addresses as well as buttons to manipulate them (up, down, add, remove)
 CEmailSelectorHelper class
 CFilterFilter for AddressBook related objects (Addressees)
 CFilterSelectionWidgetA simple widget which consists of a label and a combo box in a horizontal line
 CIMAddressLVIList view item representing a single IM address
 CIMAddressWidgetA widget for editing an instant messaging address
 CImageButtonSmall helper class
 CImageLoaderSmall helper class
 CIMEditorWidgetThe widget we add to KAddressbook's contact editor dialog
 CIMEditWidgetThis widget displays a list box of the instant messaging addresses as well as buttons to manipulate them (up, down, add, remove)
 CJumpButtonBarUsed to draw the jump button bar on the right of the view
 CKAddressBookMainThis class serves as the main window for KAddressBook
 CKAddressBookViewBase class for all views in kaddressbook
 CKAddressBookCardViewThis view uses the CardView class to create a card view
 CKAddressBookIconViewThis is an example kaddressbook view that is implemented using TDEIconView
 CKAddressBookTableViewThis class is the table view for kaddressbook
 CLookAndFeelPageInternal class
 CNameEditDialogEditor dialog for name details, like given name, family name etc
 CPhoneEditWidgetWidget for editing phone numbers
 CPhoneTypeDialogDialog for editing phone number types
 CKABPrinting::PrintingWizardThe PrintingWizard combines pages common for all print styles and those provided by the respective style
 CKABPrinting::PrintProgressThis defines a simple widget to display print progress information
 CKABPrinting::PrintStyleThe class PrintStyle implements the abstract interface to the PrintingWizards style objects
 CKABPrinting::PrintStyleFactoryThe factories are used to have all object of the respective print style created in one place
 CTypeCombo< T >Combo box for type information of Addresses and Phone numbers
 CViewConfigureWidgetThis widget is the base class for all view configuration widgets
 CConfigureCardViewWidgetConfigure dialog for the card view
 CConfigureTableViewWidgetConfigure dialog for the table view
 CViewManagerThe view manager manages the views and everything related to them