
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CKMail::AccountComboBoxA readonly combobox showing the accounts, to select one
 CKMail::AccountManagerThe account manager is responsible for creating accounts of various types via the factory method create() and for keeping track of them
 CAccountUpdaterDImap accounts need to be updated after just being created to show the folders it has
 CKMail::ACLEntryDialog"New Access Control Entry" dialog
 CKMail::ACLListEntryOne entry in the ACL list: user and permissions
 CKMail::AnnotationAttributeOne entry in the annotation list: attribute name and attribute value
 CKMail::AntiSpamConfigSingleton to manage loading the kmail.antispamrc file
 CKMail::AntiSpamWizardKMail anti-spam wizard
 CAttachmentModifyCommandBase class for commands modifying attachements of existing messages
 CKMail::BackupJobWrites an entire folder structure to an archive file
 CKMail::Interface::BodyPartInterface of message body parts
 CKMail::Interface::BodyPartFormatterPluginInterface for BodyPartFormatter plugins
 CKMail::Interface::BodyPartMementoInterface of classes that implement status for BodyPartFormatters
 CKMail::Interface::BodyPartURLHandlerAn interface to body part reader link handlers
 CKMail::CallbackThis class is used for callback hooks needed by bodypart formatter plugins
 CKMail::AntiSpamWizard::ConfigReaderInstances of this class control reading the configuration of the anti-spam tools from global and user config files as well as the merging of different config versions
 CKMail::CopyFolderJobCopy a hierarchy of folders somewhere else in the folder tree
 CKMail::ACLJobs::DeleteACLJobDelete the permissions for a given user on a given url This class only exists to store the userid in the job
 CKMail::DictionaryComboBoxA combo box for selecting the dictionary used for spell checking
 CKMail::EditorWatcherStarts an editor for the given URL and emits an signal when editing has been finished
 CEncodingDetectorProvides encoding detection capabilities
 CKMail::FilterImporterExporterUtility class that provides persisting of filters to/from TDEConfig
 CKMail::FilterLogKMail Filter Log Collector
 CKMail::FilterLogDialogKMail Filter Log Collector
 CScalix::FolderAttributeParserThis class takes a folder attribute string as argument and provides access to the single parts
 CKMail::FolderDiaTabThis is the base class for tabs in the folder dialog
 CKMail::FolderRequesterA widget that contains a KLineEdit which shows the current folder and a button that fires a KMFolderSelDlg The dialog is set to disable readonly folders by default Search folders are excluded
 CFolderStorageBass class for the storage related aspects of a collection of mail (a folder)
 CKMail::ACLJobs::GetACLJobList all ACLs for a given url
 CKMail::AnnotationJobs::GetAnnotationJobFor getAnnotation()
 CKMail::QuotaJobs::GetQuotarootJobFor getQuotaroot()
 CKMail::QuotaJobs::GetStorageQuotaJobFor getStorageQuota()
 CKMail::ACLJobs::GetUserRightsJobGet the users' rights for a given url
 CKMail::HeaderItemVisual representation of a member of the set of displayables (mails in the current folder)
 CKMail::HeaderStyleThis class encapsulates the visual appearance of message headers
 CKMail::HtmlStatusBarThe HTML statusbar widget for use with the reader
 CKMail::HtmlWriterAn interface to HTML sinks
 CKMail::IdentityDragA TQDragObject for KPIM::Identity
 CKMail::IdentityListViewA listview for KPIM::Identity
 CKMail::IdentityListViewItemA TQListViewItem for use in IdentityListView
 CKMail::ImportJobImports an archive that was previously backed up with an BackupJob
 CKMail::ImapAccountBase::jobDataInfo Data for the Job
 CKMail::JobSchedulerThe unique JobScheduler instance (owned by kmkernel) implements "background processing" of folder operations (like expiration and compaction)
 CKCursorSaverSets a cursor and makes sure it's restored on destruction Create a KCursorSaver object when you want to set the cursor
 CKleo::KeyResolverA class to resolve signing/encryption keys w.r.t
 CKMAcctSelDlgSelect account from given list of account types
 CKMailICalIfaceImplThe implementation of the interface
 CKMailIfaceCheckMail wont show reader but will check mail
 CKMDictKMDict implements a lightweight dictionary with serial numbers as keys
 CKMDictItemClass representing items in a KMDict
 CKMFilterActionAbstract base class for KMail's filter actions
 CKMFilterActionDescAuxiliary struct to KMFilterActionDict
 CKMFilterActionDictDictionary that contains a list of all registered filter actions with their creation functions
 CKMFilterActionWidgetThis widgets allows to edit a single KMFilterAction (in fact any derived class that is registered in KMFilterActionDict)
 CKMFilterDlgThe filter dialog
 CKMFilterListBoxThis is a complex widget that is used to manipulate KMail's filter list
 CKMFolderMail folder
 CKMFolderDialogDialog for handling the properties of a mail folder
 CKMFolderDirKMail list that manages the contents of one directory that may contain folders and/or other directories
 CKMFolderOpenerRAII for KMFolder::open() / close()
 CKMHeadersThe widget that shows the contents of folders
 CKMMenuCommandReturns a popupmenu containing a hierarchy of folder names
 CKMMsgDictKMail message dictionary
 CKMMsgListAn abstraction of an array of pointers to messages
 CKMMsgPartDialogGUI for KMMsgPartDialog
 CKMSearchPatternThis class is an abstraction of a search over messages
 CKMSearchPatternEditThis widget is intended to be used in the filter configuration as well as in the message search dialogs
 CKMSearchRuleIncoming mail is sent through the list of mail filter rules before it is placed in the associated mail folder (usually "inbox")
 CKMSearchRuleWidgetA widget to edit a single KMSearchRule
 CKMSpellReimplemented to make writePersonalDictionary() public, which we call everytime after adding a word to the dictionary (for safety's sake and because the highlighter needs to reload the personal word list, and for that, it needs to be written to disc)
 CKMSyntaxHighterReimplemented to add support for ignored words
 CKMSystemTrayKMSystemTray extends KSystemTray and handles system tray notification for KMail
 CKMail::Util::LaterDeleterA LaterDeleter is intended to be used with the RAII ( Resource Acquisition is Initialization ) paradigm
 CKMail::ListJobGeneric folder list job for (d)imap accounts
 CMailComposerIfaceDCOP interface for mail composer window
 CKMail::MailingListClass is used for all Mailing List handling inside KMail
 CKMail::MessageActionsManages common actions that can be performed on one or more messages
 CKMail::MessageCopyHelperHelper class to copy/move a set of messages defined by their serial numbers from arbitrary folders into a common destination folder
 CKMail::CachedImapJob::MsgForDownloadInformation about a message to be downloaded (from the 'IMAP envelope')
 CKMail::AnnotationJobs::MultiGetAnnotationJobFor multiGetAnnotation
 CKMail::ACLJobs::MultiSetACLJobSet and delete a list of permissions for different users on a given url
 CKMail::AnnotationJobs::MultiSetAnnotationJobFor multiSetAnnotation
 CKMail::AnnotationJobs::MultiUrlGetAnnotationJobFor multiUrlGetAnnotation
 CKMail::Interface::ObservableObservable interface
 CKMail::Interface::ObserverObserver interface
 CKMail::PopAccountKMail account for pop mail account
 CKMail::RedirectDialogKMail message redirection dialog
 CKMail::RenameJobRename and move (d)imap folders They can be moved everywhere (except search folders) as a new folder is created, all messages are moved there and the original folder is deleted
 CKMail::RuleWidgetHandlerAn interface to filter/search rule widget handlers
 CKMail::RuleWidgetHandlerManagerSingleton to manage the list of RuleWidgetHandlers
 CKMail::ScheduledJobBase class for scheduled jobs
 CKMail::ScheduledTaskA scheduled task is some information about a folder job that should be run later
 CKMail::SearchJobSearch job
 CKMail::SearchWindowDialog for triggering a search on folders and storing that search as a search folder
 CKMail::SecondaryWindowWindow class for secondary KMail window like the composer window and the separate message window
 CKMail::SieveDebugDialogDiagnostic info for Sieve
 CSnippetConfigThis class stores the values that can be configured via the KDevelop settings dialog
 CSnippetItemThis class represents one CodeSnippet-Item in the listview
 CSnippetSettingsThis class is the widget that is showen in the KDevelop settings dialog
 CSnippetWidgetThis is the widget which gets added to the right TreeToolView
 CKMail::SortCacheItemRepresents an item in the set of mails to be displayed but only as far as sorting, threading and reading/writing of the current sort order to a disk cache is concerned
 CKMail::SpamHeaderAnalyzerFlyweight for analysing spam headers
 CKMail::SpamScoreA simple tupel of agent, score and header
 CKMail::AntiSpamWizard::SpamToolConfigInstances of this class store the settings for one tool as read from the config file
 CTDEListViewIndexedSearchLineExtends HeaderListQuickSearch to also search inside message bodies using KMMsgIndex
 CTemplateParserThe TemplateParser transforms a message with a given template
 CKMail::TransportManagerCurrently only used to provide a function for reading the transport list
 CKMail::UndoInfoA class for storing Undo information
 CKMail::URLHandlerAn interface to reader link handlers
 CKMail::URLHandlerManagerSingleton to manage the list of URLHandlers